Sunday, September 1, 2013

Week 7 of 9

Mon Sept 2

A. BS- 60%x2, 70%x2, 80%x2, 85%x2
B. Snatch - 60%x2, 70%x2, 80%x2, 85%x2
C. Clean Pull + Clean - 60%x(3+1), 70%x(3+1), 75%x(3+1)x3
D. Power Jerk BNK - 60%x4, 65%x4, 70%x3x3
E. Front Squat - 60%x3, 70%x3, 80%x3x2
F. Good Morning - 4x8

Results: 33# bar
A. 130, 150, 170, 180
B. 65, 75, 85, 90
C. 95, 110, 120
D. don't have a max to base % off so did what seemed reasonable - 75, 85, 95x3x3
E. 110, 130, 145
F. skipped due to KBS yesterday 

BS 180x2

Tues Sept 3

A. PS - 60%x3, 65%x3, 70%x3, 75%x1, 65%x3, 70%x3 - (% of full)
B. PC + Jerk - 60%x(3+1), 65%x(3+1), 70%x(3+1), 75%x(1+1), 65%x(3+1), 70%x(3+1) - % of full
C. Snatch Pull - 90%x3x4
D. BS - 60%x2, 70%x2, 80%x2, 85%x2, 90%x1

"Snake Bite"
Squat Snatch - 95/65
C2B pull ups

Results: 33# bar
A. 65, 70, 75, 80, 70, 75 - got a good cue from Zach to coordinate my turnover with my jump which helped
B. 90, 95, 105, 110, 95, 105
C. 95
D. 130, 150, 170, 180, 190

Instead of Snakebite did:
For time:
21-15-9 Pull ups (butterfly)
42-30-18 DU

DUs unbroken

Rested 5 mins, then did 2 min for max DUs - got 154 (first 74 UB PR)
BS 190x1 

Wed Sept 4
Combine wed & thurs

A. Snatch - 60%x1, 70%x1, 80%x1, 85%x1, 90%x1, 80%x3x3
B. C & J - 60%x(1+1), 70%x(1+1), 80%x(1+1), 85%x(1+1), 90%x(1+1), 80%x(3+1)x3
C. RDL - 85%x4x4 (% of clean)
D. Press - 4x4

Results: 33# bar
A. 65, 75, 85, 90, 95, 85 - no misses
B. 90, 105, 120, 125, 135, 120x(1+1)x3
C. 135 - actually did these correctly for the first time with bent knees then entire movements versus doing a stiff leg deadlift - hits the spinal erectors more
D. 85x4, 90x4, 95x3, 90x4   - couldn't hit 95x4 today which I have for the last 5 weeks
C& J 135

Thurs Sept 5

Recovery run or row

PM - Depart for the Blue Ridge Relay

Friday& Sat -  Sept 6&7

Running the Blue Ridge Relay race (24 hrs) - my legs total 16.5 miles
Broken up as:
Leg 1 - 5.6 miles - moderate - elevation: -773, +512 - Time - 50 mins - run at 10:45am on Friday
Leg 2 - 4.4 miles - easy - elevation: -296, +206 - Time - 39 mins - run at 10pm on Friday night
Leg 3 - 6.5 miles - mountain goat hard - elevation: -34, +1422 - Time - 1:15 mins - run at 8:45am on sat morning - very tough leg, the climb consisted of about 5.5 miles and very sustained, I was able to keep a steady pace and did not walk

Our official race time was 32 hours and 21 mins, which put us in 122# place out of 155 teams. Our overall pace was 9:20/mile

Sunday Sept 8

Rest & Recovery

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