Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Split Jerk Heavy Single, L Sit ME, 21-15-9- 85%

Jan 29

A.    12 minutes: Build up to a heavy Split Jerk x 1
145, missed 155, left wrist bothering me

B.    Establish a ME UB L-sit - 1min

For Time:
    Sh20H + Box Step Up 65# (Alternating; Bar in front rack position: tempo: off the box you perform 1 Sh2Oh bring bar back down plus a step up onto the box with one leg, not a double box step up=1 rep)
    Hands Release Push ups
Modified for wrist: 85%
Box Jumps/step down - 24”
Push ups with hands on DBs and fat grip
DB Snatch with fat grip #15 (20-14-8)

A little down today due to left wrist irritation, felt a bit better after the fat grip work - moving on...

Pause BS, Ecc Clean DL + Clean, MU transition work

Jan 28

A.    Back Squat 5 x 3 ; 3 sec pause in bottom ~begin 67%, NTE 70% *include video of last set

(down confidently and quickly; goal here is to not ease into the depth, but to find that rock bottom right away)
3 sets 140
2 sets 145

B.    7x 1 Eccentric Clean DL + Clean NTE 7 working attempts *video last set
        a) pause in high hang
        b) 2 sec lower to knee
        c) 2 sec pause at knee
        d) 2 sec lower to just above floor (feel weight transfer from heel to mid foot)
        e) 2 sec pause just above floor
        f) Clean: focus on strong first pull as weight shifts back to into the heel as knees get out of the way

I love to clean - these all felt solid!

C.    Skill: Muscle Up transition        3 x 4
        Rest 3 min ** No dip, only pull to bottom of dip and straight back down into next kip swing, no press out in dip (

Complete, these were really fun

HSPUs, EMOM - Ring Dips + GHDs, Turkish Get ups + Core

Jan 27

A.    HSPU AMRAP -1     x (goal: >19) 21
    rest at least 3 minutes
    HSPU + 3 sets x 10 (rest: 60-90 sec)
All sets 10 UB

B.    12 MIN EMOM
    10 x Ring Dip
    12 x GHD sit ups
    Rest 5 min
    16 x 16kg Turkish Get Up (breathing and moving; steady and controlled)
7 mins

C.    3 x 5 1-hanging leg raise + 2 sec L-sit hold+ legs back into tuck sit+ lower legs all the way down (5 reps without touching back down to the floor: tempo is legs crunch up, knees extend and toes point in l-sit for 2 sec, legs are brought back in, legs lower)
        rest 2 min

Deadlift, 1-RM Seated Box jump (PR), GH Raises

Jan 26u


** percentages are based off of 90% of 1RM

A.    70% x 3 (if these sets feel light thats ok, they’re supposed to)
80% x 3 (if these sets feel light thats ok, they’re supposed to)
90% x 3+ (AMRAP -1 or 2)
.    go up from .05% from 90% as long as you feel you can confidently hit a set of 3
(this may mean 1 additional set of 3, it may mean 2 or 3)
after last set of 3, we go up .05% of most recent set of 3 and hit singles

-You do a single as long as you know you can confidently hit it, and jumps are always .05% if you feel you cannot hit .05% increase, then you stop :) (i.e. heavy, not maximal)
90% 0f 1RM - 235#
70%x3- 165#
80%x3 - 190#
90%x amrap -1 or 2 - 210 x 9
up 5%x3 - 220
up 5%x3 - 230
up 5%x1 - 240 (this peeled off the ground very sloooowly so I called it)

B.    Establish a 1-RM Seated Box Jump w/ spotter to insure no backwards fall towards box (eyes forward, torso up)
40 inches, PR

C.    Glute Ham Raise 3 x 10 (add load as able)
first time I have ever been able to add weight to GH Raises!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Snatch Drop, Snatch Grip Press, 50 WB UB! PR + 5 min Amrap

Jan 24

A.    Snatch Drop    5x2
Better with no reposition
Mostly felt like I was doing jumping jacks with the bar on my back and overhead! HA! This was easier for me with no reposition of the feet.

(no dip drive; just drop; focus on a) elbows straight down to start b) aggressive feet c) vertical displacement i.e. pull butt and hamstrings straight down, not forward)

B.    Snatch Grip Press (21X1)    3x6
45, 50,55 - really focused hard on these

C.    50 Wall Ball For Time
1:32 UB!
    Rest 3 minutes
    8x Plank Burpee DL #35/arm
    10 x T2B
4+8 reps

BS (Wendler 5's) + 2 RFT: 1K Row, 14 Burpees over Rower, Heavy PCs

 Jan 22 - Off - early AM fasted Z1 AD aerobic work about 30 mins? , core (GHD situps)

Day 32
Jan 23

A.    Back Squat!!!!
65% x 5 (if these sets feel light thats ok, they’re supposed to)  (same as this  65%)
75% x 5 (if these sets feel light thats ok, they’re supposed to)
85% x 5+ (AMRAP -1)
.    go up from .05% from 85% as long as you feel you can confidently hit a set of 5
(this may mean 1 additional set of 5, it may mean 2 or 3)
after last set of 5, we go up .05% of most recent set of 5 and hit singles

-You do a single as long as you know you can confidently hit it, and jumps are always .05% if you feel you cannot hit .05% increase, then you stop :) (i.e. heavy, not maximal)

3x10 at 65% (same as the red one above; allows us to get more volume in; focus on great depth!)
65% x5 - 125
75% x5 - 145
85%x5 + Amrap -1 - 160 x8
up 5% - 167x5
up 5% - 175x5
up 5% - 182x5
up 5% - 190x1
up 5% - 200x1
felt heavy today
then almost for the last joker set
did 65%x3x10 - 125#
B.    2 RFT @ 85%
    Row                    x 1000 meters
    Burpee Over Rower            x 14 @
    Power Clean                x 5 heavy!! hmm 115-120?
13:51, used 125 for PC

AMRAP HSPU 2 mins, Split Jerk, EMOM - MUs, Wtd Box Step Ups

Jan 21

A.    AMRAP HSPU    x 2 Minutes (recommend practicing quick sets 4-5) did sets of 4s and 5s - total 24

B.    Split Jerk % practice    6x2    (do not exceed 87%)
Felt off today - 85, 105, 110, 115, 120, 115

C.    12 MIN EMOM
    2-3 Muscle Up (as long as you can manage 3 UB; then drop to 2) got 3 UB all sets!
    10 DB Box Step Up (tough; hmmmm #?? btwn ~60 total#?) used 30# DBs each hand

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Deadlift PRs! Wtd box jumps, Sled drap, HSPU cash out

Mon Jan 20

Warmed Up AD 4 min for cals 48


** percentages are based off of 90% of 1RM

A.    65% x 5 (if these sets feel light thats ok, they’re supposed to)
75% x 5 (if these sets feel light thats ok, they’re supposed to)
85% x 5+ (AMRAP -1 or 2)
.    go up from .05% from 85% as long as you feel you can confidently hit a set of 5
(this may mean 1 additional set of 5, it may mean 2 or 3)
after last set of 5, we go up .05% of most recent set of 5 and hit singles

-You do a single as long as you know you can confidently hit it, and jumps are always .05% if you feel you cannot hit .05% increase, then you stop :) (i.e. heavy, not maximal)

Huge Deadlift day! Went like this:
90% of 1 RM - 221
65% - 145#x5
75% - 170#x5
85% - 190x5 by mistake, then did my AMRAP -1 set - 11 reps
up 5% - 10# - 200x5
up 5% - 210x5
up 5% - 220x5
up 5% - 230x5 (PR)
then singles
up 5% - 240x1
up 5% - 250x1
up 5% - 260x1 (PR)
Total reps - 49 reps
Huge thanks to Zach for coaching me through this, not sure I would have mentally been able to do all these reps on my own

B.    Weighted Box Jumps 6 sets x 4 reps (add height as able; stick with same weightvest weight across but record # used) vest 28.2#, got to about 35 inches

C.    Sled Drag Accumulate 4 x 40 meters
        *notes about weight: you should have a load on the sled that enables constant movement but heavy slow steps, i.e. you shouldn’t be able to sprint, step through the whole of the foot not just the forefoot (you’ll use the weight belt to hook up to the sled and ill show you how to get set up!)

Weight on sled: 45#x1, 70#x1, 80#x2 sets

60s rest after last drag and then:

Cash out amrap set of HSPUs - 19

Awesome training day!

Snatch + 10 Min Amrap Carolina Fitness Challenge

Sat Jan 18

warmed up with sprints, 2 leg bounding, Tall Snatch, Snatch balance
A.    Snatch (from below knee)        3x5 (moderate-heavy) 75, 85,90
        Rest as needed between sets
B.    Snatch (from the hip)            5x3 (moderate-heavy) 55, 65, 75,85,90
        Rest as needed

C.    10 MIN AMRAP
    3 HSPU
    6 Power Clean 105#
    9 C2B Pull Ups
6 rounds + 15 reps - 3 reps away from 7 full rounds  - this is sort of typical for me, I get close to really pushing it and then I drag a bit and am disappointed by only a few reps in the end, ugh!
Was a great wod to try with the low number of HSPUs - they were all UB and steady (used it as my rest), pushed harder on PCs and CTBs - held 5/4 on CtBs then had to go 3s/2s. PCs were fast singles - on round 5 or 6 I did a few sets of PCs doubles but that was taxing on grip. Grip and breathing on CTBs felt like limiter.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Awesome BS day - 3 singles @ 210#! Snatch Balance, Snatch Grip Press

Friday Jan 17

WARMUP FOCUS : Tall Snatch (take 5-7 min practice light) - opps forgot this - so focused and excited for squatting today!

A. Back Squat            Establish a heavy single based on feel (goal is ~92-95% of old 1RM; should be slow and challenging)    Hit 210, my current PR!, feeling good so based following % off of that.

                3 x (90%,95%,100% of Heavy Single) rest 3 min btwn lifts; i.e. 1 round= 1 @90%, 1 @ 95%, 1 @ 100% not of 1RM but of the heavy single you established earlier)
Did 3 sets of:
1x90% =190#
1x95% =200#
*Zach snuck on 215# on the last rep and I got out of the hole but couldn’t quite stand it up and dumped it, overall feel really excited to have hit 3 reps today at 210!!

B. Snatch Balance        3x6 (add load as able; moderate)
55,  60, 65

C. Snatch Grip Press    (21X1)    3x5
Yikes these are hard
35, 40, 45

!!If you have extra time:

2 x 15 hollow rocks into 20 sit ups AFAP

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Clean Complex, MU 8 UB PR, EMOM - AXLE WL + PJ

Jan 15

A. Clean Complex    x High Hang Clean x 2 + Pause Front Squat (3 sec) + Split jerk
125, these felt good

B.  Muscle Ups    x no more than 2 attempts to establish a ME UB set
8 (PR), 5
Triceps were sore from jerks yesterday and today so felt like I could have done more if fresh

C. EMOM 10 min
EVEN: Axle Walk Lunge x 10 (70-80#? should be UB)
     ODD:     Axle Push Jerk     x 10
Done 70#

DL 5x5, Split Jerk, Partner Burpees, GH Raises

Jan 14

A. Deadlift            5x5   205 across
                Rest 3 min btwn sets

B. Split Jerk            6 x 70% rest 30 sec btwn reps - 110#
                4 x 80%, rest 45 sec btwn reps - 125#
                4 x 85-90,  based on feel (Rest as needed) 135x2, 140x2

C. w/ Amber (if Amber is not in the gym than work rest 1:1)



Work:Rest Becca: Amber (i.e. Becca does 30 burpees while Amber rests and then switch)

Couldn't do with Amber:(
Did with Jordan , total time was 8:21, we were similar pace.
30 in 1:06 ish

D. Glute Ham Raise        3x8 (unloaded)