Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Deadlift PR, Seated Box Jumps PR

Tues March 4


** percentages are based off of 90% of 1RM


A.    70% x 3 (if these sets feel light thats ok, they’re supposed to)
80% x 3 (if these sets feel light thats ok, they’re supposed to)
90% x + AMRAP -1 or 2
.    go up from .05% from 90% as long as you feel you can confidently hit a set of 3
(this may mean 1 additional set of 5, it may mean 2 or 3)
after last set of 3, we go up .05% of most recent set of 5 and hit singles

-You do a single as long as you know you can confidently hit it, and jumps are always .05% if you feel you cannot hit .05% increase, then you stop :) (i.e. heavy, not maximal)
Today did:
Wendler # 235
90%xAmrap -1 or 2 (210x12, PR)
up 5% 220x3
up 5% 230x3
up 5% 240x1
up 5% 250x1
Forgot to do Biofeedback, did 1 test at beginning and then re test after last rep and it got better in general but not sure about in between sets. Potentially could have hit 260 today but left it in the tank. 

B.    Seated Box Jump         7x 1.1.1.  (eyes up, chest up feet come off the ground as arms propel you forward)         right back up once you get down (though do take a sec to set yourself) (goal for all ~36 inches)

36,36,37,38,38,38,39x2 reps

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