Monday, July 16, 2012

Crossfit Asheville Games Wod & Party

Rowing and burpees were programmed for SHE today, so instead I decided to participate in the 4 person team wod for the Crossfit games party which was a ton of fun completed with Amber, Katie and Tina.

In teams of 4 complete:
2000m row and 100 burpees
one person on the rower and only one teammate doing burpees at a time.  Break up burpee reps/row distance as you choose.
The row and burpees must be complete before the team may move outside for the sled push.
30m sled push
400m run
100 wall ball shots
400m run
30m Sled push
Once the sled has returned completed the 2nd 30m distance the team of 4 moves inside and again completes
2000m row and 100 burpees
For time.
Each team will have 2 50lbs sandbags which must be supported by your team throughout the entire WOD.  If either of the sand bags come in contact with the ground/floor or simply if any part of the sandbag is being supported by any object other than a member on the team then each team member must immediately stop the task they are on and complete 5 burpees while the sandbags continue to be supported.   Again, each time the sandbag is unsupported by the team each member complete 5 burpees while other members are holding the bags.  All 4 members must complete the 5 burpees before further work requirements of the workout are performed.
Have fun!!

Time 29:30?

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