Sunday, November 17, 2013

Week of Nov12-16

Catch up from last week

Nov 12

For time:
1k row - 4:38
100m FC  - used 75# per arm
20 OHS - used 90#, PS from floor - grip was fried from the FC- completed with 8/6/6 I think
Run 800m
30 DB bent rows - subbed HSPUs - challenging started with sets of 5's then down to singles by end
100m FC
Row 1k - 4:30
28:30 lost a lot of time on OHS and HSPUs
- Breathing focus on run and row
- OHS from floor, 75-80%
- Heavy load on FC
- note each set of HSPU reps
- (tough weight, DB in both hands)
Nov 13 - weds Rest day - got a thai massage today! - Upper body feels so much better
Nov 14 - thursday 
Made up some stuff
A. BS 1,1,1 - working sets 180, 185, 190f (paused in the bottom, duh!)
B. Work up to a heavy single Clean quickly - had not done this in a while - hit 145#
C. Jerk - 1x5@60%, 1x5@65%, 1x3@75% - focusing on split and getting front foot forward more and back leg bent 
10 min AMRAP@90%:
10 Wall balls (14#/10ft)
2 MUs
2 Stone to shoulder - 70#
2 Wall walks
was 3 rnds complete at 6:23, then completed 5 rnds in 10:48, I think? Fun. 

Clean 145#
Nov 15 - rest day and travel to GA for comp tomorrow

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