Sunday, June 17, 2012


OPT Being June 12

*Did not do the tester on June 10 which was 3 rnds for time of 25 kbs (1.5pood) and 25 burpees because I didn't have the 1.5 pood and I knew that my energy is not tip top right now with traveling. Rested instead which I needed.

June 12

A. Squat Clean - build to a tough 2 fast - NOT a 2RM - rest short
B. FS - 3 x 3 @ 80% effort; rest 90 sec
5 rds for total time:
10 hang squat snatch - 75/50#
15 chin ups
20 box jumps - 20/14"
25 sit ups
45 sec required rest
Up in Northwoods of Wisconsin so obviously did not have a barbell and did not do part A & B. 
Completed the 5 rnds modified:
Subbed KB snatch 5 per arm with 1pood for the hang squat snatch
Subbed 8 strict pull ups (did not have a pull up bar so did these on a wooden beam with an open palm grip-very challenging)
Jumped to about 16" and did step downs due to knees being stiff recently


total work time: 15:58 


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