Sunday, July 21, 2013

Week 1 of 9 Weeks

Amber and I are going to another Catalyst Athletics cycle. We chose to do Kara's 9 Weeks of Heaven, which is a high volume cycle adapted from a Takano program. We will be squatting almost everyday of the cycle!! Which both of us really need to do. We will test our C&J max and Snatch max on the last day. The direct quote from Catalyst is "If you don't handle volume well, don't even bother with this one." So it will be interesting to see how we adapt to this volume of barbell work and squatting especially. I am going to use knee sleeves as more or a preventative measure for squats, cleans and jerks. I am adding in some conditioning, wtd pull up & dip and gymnastic work but will have to ditch it if I can't recover for the barbell. Very excited about this cycle actually as both Amber and I saw PRs as a result of the 5 week Catalyst cycle.

Here is Week 1:

Day 1 Monday July 22

A. Backsquat - 60%x4, 70%x4, 75%x4x3
B. Snatch - 60%x4, 70%x4, 75%x3x3
C. Clean & Jerk - 60%x(3+1), 70%x(3+1), 75%x(3+1)x3
D. Snatch Deadlift - 85%x4x4
E. Press - 4x5

8 min EMOM:
Even - wtd CTBs - 3 reps
Odd - wtd Dips - 3 reps
*keep weight light enough to get full range of motion, perfect reps

training at 3pm
A. 125x4, 150x4, 160x4
B. 65x4, 75x4, 80x3x3
C. 90, 100, 110
D. all sets 90#
E. 65x4, 70x4, 75x4, 80x4, 85x4

CTBs - 10# for 3 sets, 12.5 for 1 set 
Ring Dips instead of bar - 5# for 3 sets, 9# for 1 set 

Day 2 Tuesday July 23

A. Backsquat - 60%x3, 70%x3, 80%x3x2
B. Power Snatch - 60%x4, 65%x4, 70%x2x3
C. Power Clean& Jerk - 60%x(4+1), 65%x(4+1), 70%x(2+1)x3
D. Clean Deadlift - 80%x5x4

3 Sets, no rest:
15 Pull ups
20 KBS
30 DUs

A. 125x3, 150x3, 170x3x2
B. 60, 65, 70
C. 90, 100, 105
D. 125x5x4

no time for the 3 sets today 

Day 3, Weds July 24

A. Backsquat - 60%x4, 70%x4, 75%x3x3
B. Snatch - 60%x2, 70%x2, 80%x2, 85%x2
C. Clean & Jerk - 60%x(2+1), 70%x(2+1), 80%x(2+1), 85%x(2+1)
D. RDL - 80%x4x5 (%of Clean)
E. Push Press - 60%x4, 65%x4, 70%x2x2

A. 125x4, 150x4, 160x3x3
B. 65, 75, 85, 90
C. 90, 100, 115, 125
D. 125#
E. 75, 80, 90

Yesterday's 3 sets of :
15 Pull ups
20 KBS 53#
30 DUs

7:00 mins - 
first 15 pull ups UB butterflys, first KBS 20 UB 
BS 3x160 

Day 4, Thur July 25

A. Front Squat - 60%x4, 70%x4, 75%x3x3
B. Power Snatch - 60%x4, 65%x4, 70%x3x3
C. Power Clean&Jerk - 60%x(4+1), 65%x(4+1), 70%x(3+1)x3
D. OHS - 60%, 70%x3x3
E. Press - 4x5


3 sets, no rest:
12 DB Push Press
12 DB high pull
15 T2B

A. 110x4, 125x4, 135x3x3
B. 65, 65, 70
C. 90, 100, 105
D. 75x1, 85x3x3
E. 60, 65, 75, 80, 85 all x4
- trying to focus on my squat stance and making it consistent for each lift, see video of OHS and compare for backsquat vid from weds.

3 sets completed with no rest but I did not time
20# DBs for PP, 15# for 1 arm DB high pulls and I changed to 15 GHDs instead to save the skin on my hands - they are hurting. Ready for a rest day, legs and bottoms of feet are tired. 

OHS 3x85

Day 5, Sat July 27

A. Backsquat - 60%x4, 70%x4, 80%x4, 85%x3
B. Hang Snatch - 60%x3, 70%x3, 75%x3x3
C. Hang Clean - 60%x3, 70%x3, 75%x3x3
D. Snatch Deadlift on Riser - 85%x4x4
E. RDL - 80%x4x5 (% of clean)

A. 125x4, 150x4, 165x4, 175x3
B. based off my squat snatch - 65x3, 75x3, 80x3x3
C. based off my squat clean - 95x3, 110x3, 115x3x3
D. 90x4x4
E. 125x4x5

BS 175x3

Day 6, Sun July 28

Crossfit Games 2013 Party at CFA

Come celebrate the games at CFA Sunday, July 28th. Heats starts at 10:30am, Party starts at12:30pm.
WOD: teams of 2-4. Any combination of man/woman
**30 minute time cap
**RX and scaled Options
50 deadlift 255/155
60 chest to bar
70 cleans 155/95
80 hand release push-ups
90 snatches 95/65
100 Toes to bar

The team workout will be followed by a showing of the crossfit
games. CFA will provide BBQ from Luellas. Please bring a side &
beverage of your choice.
Friends and family are always welcome. Feel free to come by and
hang out even if you don’t WOD with us.

Nadia and I teamed up and completed the wod Rx in 23:27. A really fun event!

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