Saturday, February 9, 2013

BTN PP, HSPUs + Fran PR!

OPT Being Jan 9

A. Behind the neck push press 5, 5, 5; rest 2 min
B. Amrap sets of 3 unbroken hspu in 7 min
thruster 95/65
chin up

A. BTN Push Press -75,80, 95 all x 5
B. 13 sets of UB HSPUs
Fran - 3:35, 2 min PR very excited!
all movements UB which was my goal, kipped pull ups since I can't butterfly that volume of pull ups yet
Thrusters felt so much better since following the Blog! I could have also transitioned faster, in video I think I take about 10 secs between movements.

Fran 3:35, PR

Cedar and I drove out to Big Laurel Creek to go hiking in the afternoon. It was a gorgeous day and the creek was at a runnable level. On the way back to the car we saw a kayaker paddling downstream and Cedar just sat and stared at him thinking "what the heck is that?".

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