Sunday, February 3, 2013

Split Jerk , HSPU skill work + 10 RFT-T2B, BE, Pull ups, HSC

OPT Being Jan 2

A. Split jerk 2, 2, 2; rest 2 min
B. Amrap hspu in 10 min
10 rounds for time:
5 toes to bar
10 back extensions
5 chin ups
10 hang squat clean 95/65#
A. 120x2, 125x2, 130x1
B. Used the 10 mins to do HSPU skill work, finally figured out a much more efficient kip! Thanks Amber for the feedback!
14:53, forced myself mentally and physically to do all the hang squat cleans UB which was difficult, everything else ub also, butterflied the pull ups - rhythm fell off a few times but getting much more consistent

Actual kipping HSPUs

Second half of Wod

 Went bouldering for the afternoon with Glenn and Corey out at Rumbling Bald, great weather. Cedar ran her heart out all over the boulder field!

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