Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Push Jerk 5RM + 100 S2O & 1K Run

OPT Being Feb 12

A. Push jerk; build to a 5rm
For time:
100 S2O 75/55
1k run


My mind was somewhere else today during training and I was rushing...

A. 115x5 to blocks - felt tough but not a max, decided to stop there and move on

100 SOH
1K Run

*Video confirmed I only did 89 reps, wtf? Not being fully present in mindset, plus poor math skills (especially during a workout) = a total miscount. No Becca 24+25+15 does not equal 75, ugh!!!
My 89 reps completed in 3:23, so I would guesstimate another 10-15 secs for 11 more reps.
I actually did 24(not sure what happened here, as I thought I did 25)+25+15+10+15= 89 reps, right?
This is hilarious and ridiculous, I can't wait to hear Amber's reaction!
Don't I look so inspired!

 89 S2OH

1 comment:

  1. And the math fiasco continues- glad I'm not the only one. Another reason why one should not train alone! XOXO
