Saturday, January 3, 2015

Reflection on 2014 and goals for 2015

Goals for 2015:

Personal/home life:
- Prioritize relationship with my life partner, Glenn. As the saying goes - absence makes the heart grow fonder. With Glenn's absence in the Fall of 2014 to study at the University of Minnesota, Mankato, more than ever I want to make time for him and our relationships as it continues to grow and evolve.
- Plan meals better at home and stop eating out so much. Buy bulk for the week and cook up a storm of fresh meat and veggies to have on hand during the week.

Professional life:
- Change my mindset around the idea of being busy. In 2014 I launched my private practice as a Massage & Bodywork Therapist and it has been a great year of learning. I love the clients I work with and see positive results. However recently I have found myself creating a mindset of busy-ness and saying that I am always busy, which has become a mindset of negativity. Instead my goal is to schedule my time appropriately and sustainably and to change the word and mindset of busy to the word and mindset of fullness. To me fullness means abundance and enrichment. My goal is to cherish the fullness of each day and appreciate how each day enriches my life. Instead of saying I had a busy day with a tone of exhaustion, change the wording, mindset and tone to I had a full day that enriched my life as a person.

Athletic Life:
- Prioritize my training as an athlete. This past year in 2014 I had the opportunity to work with a coach and friend Zach Greenwald in my training toward Olympic Weightlifting and competing. It was an amazing year full of learning and growth as an athlete. I have reached heights I never thought possible. I was only 12 kilos from qualifying for the American Open 2014, and I qualified for Master's Nationals 2015 and also posted a total that qualifies for the Master's Pan Am Championships. However I have let my priority for training slip these last several months and I would like to change that. I notice that when it slips I de-prioritize my time for training and then become frustrated with the results when I can't hit certain expectations. This becomes a self perpetuating cycle. So for 2015 I am going to work to prioritize my training. A way I can do this is to train early in the morning when I have the time, instead of sleeping in and waiting until the afternoon or evening to train when I typically have less energy and time. I did this yesterdday and it was a great way to start my day and the New Year! I am also going to stick to a training schedule of set days - I have had huge success with this in the past and I let it slip.

C'est la vie! Such is life - experience, reflect, growth, change, repeat!

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