Sunday, February 22, 2015

Feb 22

Sun Feb 22
Recovery workout
40 mins amrap without stress:
Lateral Box Step Overs x 60 sec - 20"
Muscle ups x 60 sec
AD x 2 mins
Slammers 20# x 60 sec

8 rounds, Constant movement, got 5 muscles up (3/2) each round.
Range of motion was longer after amrap but not to baseline. 

Feb 19

A.    Snatch Every 90 Seconds
    100 x 1 x 4
    105 x 1 x 2
    110 x 1 x 1
    95 x 2 x 2
    100 x 1
    105 x 1
    110 x 1
    awesome Snatch session!! Missed first rep with 100#, then no misses

B.    Dip   
    BW         Max 6 Minutes
12 and then short remaining time

C.    12 Minute AMRAP
    C2B Pull Up x 12
    L-Sit x Accumulate 45 Seconds
    Farmer Carry x 150# x 90 Seconds
2 rounds + L sit, really challenging

D.    Airdyne 15 Minutes (easy)

Feb 21

A.    Split Jerk from blocks **Left foot forward
    2x2 75%
    2x2 80%
    2x1 85%
    3x1 90%
    1x1 95%
125#, 135, 145, 155, 160, did another rep at 160#
Slowly but surely Jerks are getting better. 


B.    Deadlift
    230# 6-8 Reps     Max 14 Minutes
8, 8 short after both sets, PR!

C.    10 Minutes *50-60 Percent of Max Snatch Technique Practice From the Mid blocks
65-75# done

C.    30 Minute Trail Run (steady, meditate) or Airydne 30 Minute
Did rower 30 mins due to schedule for the day

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Feb 18

A.    Snatch Balance
    1x3 65%
    1x2 70%
    1x2 75%
    3x1 80%
    2x1 85%
    (can go up if feeling fast with the catch in the bottom)
80,85,90,95,100,105,110,115,120 miss, 120,120 PR


B.    Snatch Comp Pull
    1x3 85%
    1x2 90%
    1x2 95%
    1x2 100%
    1x1 105%
    1x1 110%
105, 110, 115, 125, 130, 140
Next time heels down when arms pull

C.    Paused Back Squat
    180#        Paused first rep + Max Reps     Max 12 Minutes
6 - not a very noble pause
5 - more noble
8-9 reps - noblest
180# 5 reps (1 pause + 4)

D.    GH Raise     3 x 8-12 (add weight if not short with BW)
12, 12, 12, short all sets with BW

E.    Seated Box Jump 5-6 Sets x “Tall” (Build in Weight) x 12 Minutes
30 inches

Monday, February 16, 2015

Feb 16

A.    Clean Complex
    Clean x 1 + Front Squat x 1 + Jerk x 1
95, 110, 120, 135, 140, 150 (best in this complex today), 160 missed jerk behind, 160 C&J, 165 C&J missed jerk behind - not used to missing Jerks behind so maybe this is progress? 
Back to original split with left forward

160# missed Jerk

160# C&J

165# C&J, missed Jerk

Happy with these as yesterday was lots of heavy front squats and first day jerking heavy on original split leg in a while.

B.    Establish a 3RM Overhead Squat         Max 15 Minutes
140 x 3, PR, more in the tank, stopped for time, happy with squat depth on these

C.    1-arm Waiter Carry
    75# 2-3 x 8-10
8x 2 sets per arm, short after both sets but could have gone farther 

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Feb 15

A.    Sott’s Press
    5x5 20-40%
18, 22#, 32, 42, 52 all x 5 reps

B.    Supinated Deadlift
    155# 2 x 14-20
20, 17 short after both sets

C.    Superset
Front Squat
    160# 5 x 3-6 - 5, 6, 5, 6, 6 - short after all
    NG High Pull
    75#  4 x 3-6 - 5, 5, 3, 5 - short after all
Last set of Front Squats

Feb 14

A.    Snatch
    3x1 75% 93.75
    3x1 80% 100
    3x1 85% 106.25
    2x1 90% 112.5
95, 100, 105, 110 - not a great snatch session as the gym was packed and very difficult to focus

B.    Sumo Good Morning
    115# 3 x 8-12 (add weight if not short after 12)
12x 3 all sets short

C.    Front Rack Yoke Carry
    200# 3 x 8-10 (thumbs around)
9s 7s 8s - thumbs around, easier this time

D.    Every 90 Seconds x 10
    Airdyne x 30 seconds hard

C.    Every 90 Seconds x 10
    30 Seconds Double Under
    1 x Muscle Up + 2 Dip

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Feb 12


A.    Split Jerk from blocks **Not on platform, film lifts
    2x2 75% 117
    2x2 80% 125
    2x1 85% 132
    2x1 90% 140
    1x1 95% 150
did another 1x1 95% and failed



B.    Deadlift
    225# 6-8 x 2
8 short mixed grip, right supinated
7 short mixed grip, left supinated
Big DL PR! This video shows my second set where I failed the first rep and got frustrated but was not short on my range of motion test. I try to calm my mind and come back to get 7 reps. The power of the mind at work. 

C.    30 Minute Trail Run (steady, meditate)
Did not get to this today ;(

Feb 11

A.    Snatch Double ENOM x 7
    100# (if no misses after 5th set, add 5#s for a single every 90 seconds)
Did 5 sets x 100#, then went to 105 and then 110#, dropped back to 85# for doubles x 2 sets, then 95# for doubles x 2 sets. Wow, something major clicked today with the Snatch. Great to have coach Zach with me during this part of the workout. 2 major things were: feeling 3rd pull under the bar and getting fast into the squat, so awesome!! This is the first day I actually "felt" how to Snatch, I know I am a dork!

Snatch double 95#
Snatch double 85#

B.    BTN Press 85#
    5 x 3-6
4 short
3 short
3 short
3 short
3 short
Wow these were really spicy!

C.    12 Minute AMRAP
    Toes to Bar x 12
    Muscle Clean 65# x 12
    Run x 200 Meters
4 rnds + 12 + 8, fun

D.    Hip Extension * if not short after first set with BW add weight
    3 x 10

Feb 9

A.    Snatch Balance
    1x4 60% 75
    1x3 65% 81.25
    1x2 70% 87.5
    1x1 75% 93.75
    1x1 80% 100
Added in at 105 and 110#

B.    Snatch Comp Pull
    1x3 85%
    1x2 90%
    1x2 95%
    1x1 100%
    1x1 105%

C.    Paused Back Squat
    175#        3 x 4-6  (add weight if not short after 6)
4 not short
5 short
5 short
Last set

D.    GH Raise     3 x 8-12 (add weight if not short with BW)
E.    Seated Box Jump 4-5 Sets x 1.1.1 “Tall” (Build in Weight) x 12 Minutes
Built up to 39"

Feb 4

A.    Power Clean (low bock) of PC 1RM
    1x2 60%
    1x2 65%
    1x2 70%
    1x2 75%
    2x1 80%

B.    Snatch w/ Pause below knee
    2x3 60%
    1x2 65%
    2x2 70%
    3x1 73%

C.    BTN Press 75#
    3 x 6-9
7,7,7 short after all

D.    Weighted Back Extension
    3 x 10
Complete 10#

Feb 8

A.    Front Squat
    155# 4 x 4-6 (add load if not short after 6)
6 short, 6 short, 6 short,  6short, no belt, no sleeves, in my nanos!

B.    Every 90 Seconds x 10
    Airdyne x 30 seconds hard

C.    Every 90 Seconds x 10
    30 Seconds Double Under
    2 x Bar Muscle Up
Decided to do a crossfitty type workout instead,
2 rounds:
25 Box jumps
20 CTB pull ups
15 HSPUs
10 Squat Snatches 95#
took about 20 mins, was moving around 85%-90% effort, fun!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Feb 7

A.    Snatch mid block
    1x3 65% - 81.2 80
    1x2 70%- 87.5 90
    1x2 75%- 93.75 95
    2x1 80%- 100 100
    2x1 85%- 106.25 110
    1x1 90%- 112.5 failed 3 x!!! 115
double 95

Single 100

Single 110

B.    Sumo Good Morning
    105# 3 x 12 (add weight if not short after 12)
12 x3 short after all

C.    1-arm Waiter Carry
    65# 3 x 8-10
did 2 sets x 10 reps both arms, short after all

D.    Row x 15 Minutes (moderate effort) complete 3200m 


Friday, February 6, 2015

Feb 3

Feb 5

A.    Split Jerk from blocks
    1x3 70% - 110
    2x2 75% - 115
    2x2 80% - 125
    2x1 85% 135
    2x1 90% - 140
added in 1x1 145#
and 1x1 150#

B.    Deadlift
    215# 6 x 2-3 (add weight if not short after 3)
215x3 NS
220x3 short
220x3 short
220x2 short
220x1 short
did all of these with pronated grip and grip is what was failing on last 3 sets. 

B.    3-4 Rounds
    30 Seconds work/30 seconds rest (90 sec rest between rounds)
    Kipping Dip (do not take to failure)
    Row x tough, not max
    1-arm Overhead Squat L 25#
    1-arm Overhead Squat R
3 rounds done

Feb 2 - Back to Training!

Mon Feb 2

A.    Snatch Balance
    1x4 45% - 56.2
    1x4 55% - 68.75
    1x3 60% - 75
    2x3 65% - 81.25

B.    Snatch Comp Pull
    1x3 75% - 93.75
    1x3 80% - 100
    1x3 85% - 106.25
    1x2 90% - 113.4
Still too much hang time with my feet

C.    Paused Back Squat
    170#        3 x 4-6  (add weight if not short after 6)
6, 6,6 short after all
last set

D.    GH Raise     3 x 8-12 (add weight if not short with BW)
complete with 10#

Weekend in Savannah: Howard Cohen Classic meet

Spent a great weekend in Savannah GA to compete in the Howard Cohen Classic Weightlifting Meet. This meet served as a qualifying event for the Pan American Master's Weightlifting Championships which will take place June 4-7, 2015 back in Savannah GA. This was my 3rd sanctioned meet and I 
got some great experience at this meet and learned a lot! For Emily it was her first sanctioned meet. 
- The most nerve racking competition I have done to date and I learned how to tune out to outside distractions and intensely focus on my task at hand. The curtain that divided the warm up area from the platform was really kinda cool but also super intimidating.  
- The meet was running 1-1.5 hrs behind and I struggled to figure out when to warm up and the timing of it all. I learned to just listen to my coach and go with the flow. 
- Learned that I should have more snacks on hand so that if you are at a meet that is running 1-1.5hrs behind. Luckily our pod of friends and partners was super helpful in going to grab Emily and I stuff!

Overall I went 5/6, 121 kg total and got a 71 kg C&J competition PR. I missed my second snatch and recovered by making the third attempt. I was second in my division and met my goal of qualifying for the Pan Am masters and look forward to returning to Savannah in June!

Jan 29

Thursday Jan 29 
Active rest day
Tested out the Ladies Night Wod at 80-85% effort

In 12 mins complete:
1000m Row
50 airsquats
40 Slammers 
30 Burpees
Double Unders in remaining time

130 reps - fun!


Built to a heavy single Front Squat - 185# and failed with 195#