Wednesday, May 29, 2013

BS, BTN Jerk, Snatch + DL math debockle & Muscle Ups (DL PRs)

May 29

A. Backsquat 2011, 20 reps x 2; rest 3 mins
B. BTN Push Jerk -2 reps on the min for 10 mins, use 60% 1 RM

Hang Squat Snatch - below knee 3,3,2,2,1,1; rest 3 mins


For time:
Deadlifts (use 85% max)
Muscle ups

A. BS - 105#x20, 115x20
B. BTN Jerk EMOM - used 75# for all sets

Hang Squat Snatch
80x3, 85x3, 90x1, 90x1, 85x2 (had 2 fails with 90)

used 225 at first on mistake, went down to 215*

225 for round of 6 (first 3 were UB - PR), then 1, then 2
225 for 2 reps on round of 5, then switched to 215 for the rest
On round of 4 I hit 215x4 UB (PR)
Muscle ups were 3/3, 3/2, 3/1, 3, 2, 1

*So I did the math wrong - I thought I had started with 205 and then went down to 195, yikes, imagine my amazement when Amber helped me realize I actually had 225 and 215.  On the first 2 rounds I kept thinking 'wow this is heavy for 205', no wonder! I am very amazed I did that many at 225, my most recent 1 RM DL was 245. Some video below.

Round of 6s

Round of 5s

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