Tuesday, April 24, 2012

OPT Being 60 mins of work

OPT Being 4/24

In 60 min accumulate at an easy pace broken up in any way:
1K running
30 single MU's - challenge the strict version 
250 DU's
HS walk 100 m 
100 lunges
HSPU kipping x 50
135#/95# back squat x 50
(focus on execution of each movement, no fatigued reps)
Completed everything but the HS walk in 50 mins. I have not yet mastered the HS walk but was pleased with finishing with enough time to have attempted it. Instead I practiced holding myself in a handstand away from wall at the end.
I split this up quite a bit and don't have exact order. Mostly did some muscle ups (singles), 25 DUS, 5 BS, then HSPUs, 20 walking lunges. Finished the DUs, BS, lunges first then knocked out the remaining HSPUs, then had about 16 MUs to finish off. Did the 1k run at the end. Then practiced upside down in the HS. Kept things in short sets so as not to come close to fatigue in any movement. My first 8 MU's were done with a strict grip, then I used the false grip for the rest. MU's felt better as I went, was able to consistently get both shoulders through with false grip and push away and drop from rings. Very fun workout!
Opps just realized I was 2 MUs short
video snippet with strict MU grip

Slept 8 hours well, AM coffee with cream & local honey, half a banana pre wod, post wod protein shake and half banana. 3 hours of working manual therapy at gym. Big salad for lunch with eggs and sweet potatoes, afternoon snack coconut water 10 oz with whey protein, apple, handful of cashews and dried figs, hot mint tea

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