Thursday, April 5, 2012

Squat Cleans

April 2 - rest day

OPT Being April 3

A. Squat clean - build to a tough single in a few sets - short rest


B. AMRAP Squat cleans in 5 mins, 60% of part A

used 80#, 41 reps - breakdown (10/5/5/5/5/5/6), got the same headache as the other day from deadlifts after first set, walked around a lot to try and shake it off

C1. HSPU - amrap (-2); rest 10 secs

subbed BTN press due to headache - 22/30/35/45# - 15 reps, 10 reps @ 45

C2. 10 T2B unbroken; rest 2 mins

Completed unbroken

130# f

130# make, notice I approached the bar totally more confident than in the fail

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