Monday, May 28, 2012

PS & 20 min amrap

OPT Being May 27

A. Power Snatch - 3,3,3,3,3; rest 5 min
as many rounds in 20 min:
Power Snatch - 115/75# x 5
10 KBS - 1.5/1 pd
Push Press - 115/75# x 5
10 Box Jumps - 30"
A. 65#/65/70/75/80
Catching snatch unevenly, issue is on right side?, thought it was in shoulder but now thinking its in the hip, finally got a video that shows the shift very clearly. Also I think it is coming from stiff ankles and legs, due to stiffness my hips are shifting around. In addition seems as though I am avoiding squatting deep under bar - it's like I start to squat and then it's like "syke, nevermind lets not squat under bar but instead scoot out to the right side!". Very frustrating - I feel like I have no control over my body at all in this movement. Will do some single leg testing and arm on tues.

7 rounds + 5 PS +10 swings, snatch was most difficult -all singles
rnd 1 - 2:14
rnd 2 - 2:16
rnd 3 - 2:17
rnd 4 -  2:55
rnd 5 - 3:00
rnd 6 - 3:11
rnd 7 - 2:40
beginning of rnd 8 - 1:27
 PS - disfunction junction

1 comment:

  1. Perspective- your snatch is much better than it used to be... that's progress.
