Saturday, January 5, 2013

AM - PP/PJ/Split Jerk/Press + 10 RFT; PM - Snatch PR

OPT Being Jan 5, 2013

A. Push press x5/Push jerk x3/Split jerk x1; rest 90 seconds x5 complexes
B. Strict press 10, 10, 10; rest 75 seconds
10 rounds for time:
10 hand release push ups
8 knees to elbow
6 box jumps 24/20
4 CTB chin ups
2 wall walks
A. 65#/75/85/95/100 - tough controlling load back down as it got heavier
B. 55x10/60x10/65 x7, then 65x3
was worried about wall walks in this one, but they got easier as I went

 PM -
So I took to heart what James said in the Big Dawg Blog webinar the other day that if you suck at something you should practice it. So this afternoon I did some snatch work as this is an obvious limiter for me.

Hang squat snatch off blocks (from mid thigh) - 2 reps every 45secs x 10; used 50-70% 1 rm

Build to a max squat snatch - focused on analyzing my technique, video every rep so I could pick apart form, hit a PR at 95# that has been a long time in the making! Hallelujah! Actually hit 95# two more times after the PR lift and they got better. Needless to day there were some ugly lifts in there at 90# and one 95# attempt that had me on one knee.

Figured out technique pieces for me -  set up with feet slightly wider than normal and focused on pushing against floor more in my triple extension than jumping, both appear to have helped.Extreme mental focus also helped me.

Ready for a rest day!

finally a 95# Snatch


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