Monday, January 14, 2013

Carolina Fitness Challenge

On friday Jan 11 day before comp I didn't have much time before leaving town and just decided to do some light movement for about 15 mins to get bloodflow going. Did 1 min each of AD, row, jump rope and dynamic ROMs.

17 hour day Sat Jan 12

Woke up at 5am in Winston Salem at friends house to get going and drive on to Durham for athlete check in. There were 17 heats of athletes so. I was assigned to heat 6 of the 5 RX women's heats.

Event 1 - I was excited for this one and it proved to be my best event.

In 5 mins complete
30 ring dips
and in the remaining time AMRAP Squat Cleans (95#)

I placed 5th overall in this event with a score of 60 reps, getting 30 Squat cleans, which I was really stoked about. I went out on the ring dips to amap and got 12 in first go, then kept with 5-3 in a row. I was first off the rings, just by seconds and started into the cleans. It was a blur of a big super set to start, then quick singles?

Due to weather the original Event #2 (Box jump ladder) was moved into Event 1 and went like this.

After Dips and Cleans you rested 1 min and then had 4 mins to find a max box jump height. You could do 30 secs at the end of airsquats for a tie breaker.

I made it to 37 inches and then logged in 32 airsquats. In this event I place 27th I think? Legs really didn't feel too bad jumping after the cleans, surprisingly.

Event #2 -

100m sprint with a turnaround at the 50m mark. Pick up lax ball off of cone at turnaround and bring it back.

Field was muddy and a bit slick. Luckily Shanna borrowed some cleats from Christmas and I used them too, which made things a lot better but I was tentative on the turnaround despite the cleats and didn't trust them. Time was 17. 69 I think?

Event #3 - Really exposed on of my weaknesses - over head pressing

10 min Amrap ladder of:

1 Shoulder to Overhead (SOH) 115#
1 T2B
2 T2B
so on and so forth...

The 115# was difficult for me. I had to split jerk these in sets of 2 and then drop bar and clean it back up. My max C&J at the time is 135#, so 115# felt doable but heavy and workout was slow. 85% of 135 is exactly 114.75, awesome!
Room for improvement in the SOH category. T2B were easy. Score was 43 reps I believe, completed the round of 6 and began the round of 7 on the SOH. 
Giving myself the benefit of the doubt and some perspective last year at this event in the 1RM C&J event I barely got 115#, so doing it in a workout this year is some improvement.

Overall finished up 24 out of 48. Onward.

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